Sunday 4 December 2011

Ascending Circle Collage

My Ascending Circle Collage was created as part of the 'Spots and Stripes' Project for my AS course. A visiting artist came into class to do a collage workshop with us, where we used different media such as magazine pictures, scraps of prints and brown paper to create a base, which we then worked into with pen.

Pattern Design for Inspire Me Papers

As part of my AS project 'Spots and Stripes', we worked under a live brief set by Inspire Me Papers which involved creating 4 scrapbook papers that they could use to sell as a collection. This was one piece from the four that I created, in which I used many techniques and media including wax, wall paint, stencils, newspaper and ink.

Experimental Screen Print

These two prints on paper were made as part of my development during my 'Spots and Stripes' Project. They were both done on paper, after I had used most of the dye on fabric, so they were worked into afterwards. For the one at the top, I worked into the screen with other coloured dyes before printing it, to add more and experiment with this technique for the first time. I worked into the bottom print using a dipping pen and ink to add detail.

Flora Cut-outs

These cut-outs are made with layered papers and by cutting out the painted watercolour designs and folding them back onto a patterned wallpaper, to leave the stencil as a pattern, but also creating an interesting pattern on the outside.

Gardener's Delight!

Gardener's Delight was one of my GCSE final pieces which was exhibited at The Mall Galleries in London in July 2011, created with watercolour and biro.

Sketchbook Selection 1

The next 3 pictures consist of:
1) Twisted and Intertwined Sketchbook
2) Spots and Stripes Sketchbook
3) Pattern Sketchbook 

These sketchbook pages consist of observations as well as interpretations of artists work.

Sketchbook Selection 2

These Sketchbook pages consist of observation from primary and secondary sources.

Sketchbook Selection 3: Artist References

These sketchbook pages are all Artist References of artists that heavily influenced my projects.

Pink & Green

This piece is inspired by Rachael Taylor and portrays my own interpretation of natural form. I used many different types of media to bring different parts of my sketchbook and research together.

Angie Lewin inspired designs

In this picture, the left three images are my painted studies of Angie Lewins work.
On the right, I have taken her inspiration but worked in my own style and colour scheme to create three individual and unique designs.

'Useless' spoons!

As part of my Twisted and Intertwined project I made these lifesize spoons out of tissue paper, and delicately cut patterns into them.

Nautical Knot

I made this piece using brown paper to create a collage, and then I refined the detail using acrylics. The background was made using brown paper, newspaper and watered down acrylics. This was for my AS project 'Twisted and Intertwined'.