Monday 19 January 2015

Botanical Drawings

I have spent the past two weeks dedicating a lot of time to drawings for my wallpaper designs. I know that in order to create high quality wallpaper designs, I need to produce large scale, detailed botanical drawings to work with, so I have managed my time well to accommodate for this.

After my research and experimentation based on botanical drawings, I now have mastered the technique for creating these illustrations. I start off by creating a detailed pencil drawing like the fern above, and then go over it with detailed watercolour as shown in the foxglove image below. This technique has worked well for me as it recreates the botanical illustrative techniques really well, and creates high quality drawings.

When choosing my subject matter to draw from, I have also been considering my initial concept, science and nature. I am keen for the plants I draw to have a scientific relevance, for example, the foxglove has medical properties such as curing heart disease. However if consumed in its raw state its also poisonous.

I feel that using a long period of time to do these drawings was a good use of time management, and will allow me to produce high quality drawings that reflect my concept really well.

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