Thursday 16 May 2013

Unit X Evaluation!

Unit X has really pushed me out of my comfort zone: from working with different people, working in different locations, and working away from textiles, I have embraced the challenges and pushed myself as far as I could.

Throughout this unit, I feel that I have engaged most with the collaboration aspect of the task. I have grasped the opportunity to work with other students (FMS & TIP) with both hands, and I have made the most of having other people to talk and bounce ideas off. I attended every session to make the most of this opportunity, and have made an effort to get to know my group outside of the set timetable. I feel as though I contributed a lot towards the group, stimulating ideas and giving a direction for our collaborative work.

I feel that the strongest aspect of the project has been the underlying theme of Alice in Wonderland, which is an idea I generated in the first few weeks of visual research based on the number 175, (see previous blog posts). Although we all had our separate projects, having this theme to constantly feed the group with ideas has helped us to collaborate, talk about our work and engage with our final exhibition ideas.

Our group always had the idea to create a linking final piece on top of our individual pieces to emphasise the Alice in Wonderland theme, and bring together all of our work. Unfortunately all of the plans that we had were reliant on having our own gallery space so we could create an interactive environment. As Kraak Gallery doesn't suit our ideas, with such late notice we decided our efforts would be better concentrated on our individual final pieces. However in the future, I'd push this idea further and adapt our ideas to whatever space we are given.

Overall, I am very proud of my efforts, and my final outcome, but next time I would probably make more of an effort to create a collaborative piece harnessing the different skills from other people within the group.

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