Tuesday 19 March 2013

Idea development - Alice in Wonderland!

This week, as a group we all decided to go away and create a poster on any idea relating to 175 which we thought could be developed further as a project. The idea behind this was that all of us would look into an idea, but then today, decide on one idea which the group could look at developing over easter, so our work all had an underlying link.

As previously mentioned, at the start of the week I found the book alice in wonderland, and I loved some of the ideas and sentences that I found on page 175 so I decided that my poster would be a drawing based on page 175 of Alice in Wonderland.

I based the poster on a few Phrases from the page:
  • "I dont care about the colour" [poster in black and white]
  • waving itself passionately from side to side
  • "if only her petals curled up a little more"
  • The chapter name was called live flowers so I thought it would be good to do a flower, and one of the flowers mentioned on the page was a rose
When meeting up with my group today, we collectively decided that this was a good idea to run with, and that the book Alice in wonderland had many tangents and themes which we could all investigate, giving us an underlying theme. 

So for the next few days I am going to be investigating the different themes of alice in wonderland. So far I have come up with a few such as the idea of shrinking, figments of her imagination, and also the idea of disguise [such as a door to a secret land disguised as a tree]. There are also certain objects which I could decide to focus on such as clocks/watches, playing cards and flowers.

I will investigate various pathways throughout this week but so far the idea of shrinking has triggered the idea of 'tiny art'.

Willard Wigan is an artist that looks at art in the eye of a needle, on a microscopic scale. In this video he mentions that he tried to create Alice from Alice in Wonderland, but looking away for one second meant that she had gone!

I also like the idea of illusion photography so make an object look smaller than it is. As someone from my group wants to do enlarging, this might be a common ground where we could do collaborative photographs.

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