Friday 26 April 2013

Beak Book Workshop = TONNES of ideas!

Today in a workshop we learnt how to make beak books. Although I had made them before and it was a simple technique, it stimulated lots of ideas within the group about how we could start putting our exhibition together.

On the left is the simple structure of the beak book, made out of an A4 sheet of paper, but as an exercise we tried to push the boundaries of what a book could be. So we opened up the inside of the book to create the structure below, joining 3 of our books together. The idea was that we had writing on the outside based on Alice in Wonderland, and an image of our work on the inside. 

I also played with the idea of a concertina book, taking the basic concept and joining lots of them together to create a trailing book shown below.

As a group, we then had the idea of creating tiny beak books, relating to the shrinking idea of alice in wonderland. The one below is no more than an inch high and we could incorporate these into our exhibition by creating a different design for each of the artists, and creating multiples of them for people to take away, to interact with the exhibition.

The idea is that at each persons work, there will be another persons small book, directing them to see their work. We hope to display these creatively within the space, and create an interactive wonderland (a rough example is shown below). 

We also thought of lots of other ideas for our exhibition to create our own wonderland, such as changing the dimensions of the door to make people crouch to get in, as though they were alice, and having art on different levels, such as mushrooms on the floor directing people. As soon as we know the dimensions of the space we get given, we can start thinking about these more.

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